Summertime means longer hours of sunshine and warm weather. And while it’s great for going to the beach, it isn’t always great for our furry friends. It’s important to make sure that your Multi-Generation Australian Labradoodle stays cool and hydrated this summer, and below are some tips to help you ensure your pup’s safety.
Keep Water on Hand
Whether you’re traveling to the lake or a patio restaurant, its best to bring a portable water bowl for your dog! Most places will offer your pet some water in a bowl, but you should be prepared regardless. If you’re at a restaurant you can ask for some cold water to pour in, or, if you’re out just bring an extra bottle of water for your pup.
Tip: Australian Labradoodles tend to have a lot of energy to let out (especially if they’re puppies)- it’s better to pack more water than you might think, that way you know they can fully recover from running around!
Protect Their Paws
Both asphalt and concreate heat anywhere from 20-50 degrees warmer than the outside temperature! It’s imperative to protect your pups’ paws. Try to give them long walks in the early morning and late evening when the ground is at its coolest. However, its likely they’ll be let out during the day, as well. Don’t fret! Invest in a pair of dog booties to keep those paws safe and let them walk on the grass whenever possible.
Give Them a Tasty Treat
Who doesn’t love cooling off with a nice cold treat? There are plenty of pet safe cold treats at the store, but it’s easy to make them at home, too! A popular version is to take bone broth and freeze it (you can use an old ice cube tray or specialty molds). Different vegetables, or even peanut butter can be added, but simple bone broth on its own has a myriad of benefits. Then, during a hot summer day, give one to your pup. Simple, refreshing, and cooling.
Summer is the perfect season to spend some safe time outside with your dog. If you’re looking to adopt a Multi-Generation Australian Labradoodle this summer, fill out a puppy reservation form, or give us a call at 509-979-0949.
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